Handlowy Benavista 2115 Metres

€ 225,000

Bowls club for sale in Benavista, this has been an amazing part of the community of Benavista for a long period of time, and is looking for a new owner to bring it back to its former glory. The bowls/ bar/ restaurant already has a bowling community of members who use the club in a league and they are very keen for the club to reopen its doors. This is a fantastic business opportunity for someone to have a business that could be up and running very quickly, with a bowls club already in the league and also the opportunity of re opening the Bar and Restaurant. Please note the licence of the premises cannot be changed

Ref: R4226359

kontakt z agentem

Karol Adam Strumiński

Nr ref. – R4831477

Nr ref. – R4675132

Nr ref. – R4395100

Nr ref. – R4419976

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